
This is an AI translated post.

Byungchae Ryan Son

'The Body' in the AI Era: How Will We Communicate?

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • In 2024, the way we communicate with artificial intelligence is expected to shift from smartphones to independent AI hardware, evolving from app-based interactions to a more intuitive and human-like form of conversation.
  • AI is remembering and processing information in a way similar to humans through short-term memory, long-term memory, and knowledge functions, increasing its understanding of users' tasks.
  • As communication with AI approaches human experience, the goal of technological development should be to build a form of communication that acknowledges the complexities of human emotion and physicality, rather than simply mimicking human conversation.



words → action

Jesse Lyu, founder of rabbit, an independent AI hardware that garnered the most attention at CES, the world's largest ICT convergence exhibition held last January, announced a change in the way humans interact with artificial intelligence through the above LinkedIn post. With its intense orange square exterior, handheld size, 360-degree rotating camera, and 2.88-inch touch screen, the product at first glance may seem like a new smartphone, but its voice commands and portability allow for more proactive human intent to be conveyed to the computer in everyday life. More significant than the news that the first orders have already been sold out is the emergence of a device that replaces smartphones that we thought should always be in our hands. In other words, it can be interpreted as the beginning of a change in the way humans and computing interact, which has been built on apps.

The dialogue and work processing methods with AI Jarvis in the movie Iron Man gave the public both expectations for future technological advancements and a simultaneous realization of the reality that it was just a cinematic expression. In reality, we can say that apps have created smartphones. At the heart of the technological vision of Internet of Things startups and large corporations, filled with the expression of building a human-centered future, has always been the smartphone, which has been the basis for connecting a range of technological products inside and outside the home. However, this relationship, based on a cold and transactional boundary, has not been able to provide or evoke human-like communication. In that sense, the interest and expectations surrounding rabbit suggest that a company's AI vision will become even more important in the future, and as the existence of apps becomes unnecessary, the way humans and computers communicate will become more like human conversation.

Rachel Woods, a former Facebook data scientist and publisher of the AI newsletter The AI Exchange, argues that companies need to understand how AI remembers user activities in order to find ways to use AI as effectively as possible. She shares a framework of short-term memory, long-term memory, and knowledge, arguing that AI's memory systems will increasingly resemble human ones.

Just as we remember phone numbers only long enough to dial them, AI's short-term memory means remembering information that has been confirmed during ongoing chat conversations or work in progress, and the industry continues to expand this capability for more information and context checking. AI's long-term memory capability, unlike short-term memory, which is initialized with each new conversation, provides a starting point from a predefined context, giving it the strength to last over time. Just as we recall memories by checking our diaries or blog posts on specific topics, Open AI's custom GPT, commands, and memory features are all about long-term memory. Finally, AI knowledge capability, which gives AI access to specific information or data that can be used to complete tasks, is akin to a well-organized Google Drive, such as a family photo album of memories or a professional paper, allowing for the most appropriate information to be easily found and used.

unsplash: Priscilla Du Preez

Humans have lived in cities for over 6,000 years. In these densely populated organizational structures, communication has been an essential skill that maintains a sense of the world and enhances empathy in relationships. Even to the dog or cat waiting at home after work, conversation is a confirmation of our mutual existence, the beginning and process of emotional exchange. Now, the day is approaching when conversations with AI will be experienced more humanly. The evolution from smartphones to AI devices like rabbit clearly shows that AI is becoming more deeply intertwined with the structure of human conversation. As technology progresses, the goal should not only be to imitate human conversation, but to nurture a form of communication that acknowledges the complexity of human emotions and the physicality of our being. This journey toward a more human AI should be about enhancing our ability to connect, empathize, and thrive in a world where the boundaries between the physical and digital continue to blur.


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Byungchae Ryan Son
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