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Byungchae Ryan Son

What do you think of my idea?

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • I was asked about the purpose of an idea when I saw someone sharing their idea in a free lecture and waiting for other people's reactions.
  • From Heidegger's phenomenological perspective, humans are beings thrown into the world, and by paying attention to other beings, they emphasize that humans give meaning to their own existence. It also argues that ideas must convey meaning to others.
  • Terms like consumer-centric strategies are familiar, but there is a lack of perspective that recognizes people as beings first, and the questions that successful entrepreneurs ask themselves about social impact have the power to make the existence of ideas convincing.

Free LectureOne participant shyly took out a notebook.

The hand holding the notebook trembled slightly, and she kept looking down, seemingly embarrassed. She said that she works for a public institution and will probably be in charge of marketing and promotion for related programs in the future, so she shared some ideas she had thought about for the first time with others. She went on to explain briefly the materials she needed to explain, insights she had seen in articles about the target generation, parts that she found relatable, and references. For a moment, I saw familiar scenes unfold in front of me.

Then, when I met her eyes filled with anxiety and excitement, I realized I had to decide how to answer.


A former UN climate policy expert who had worked for a global NGO that was a client had shared her experience of attending a creative workshop held by a Swedish agency. The theme of the workshop was "You can be creative too."

They created a total of 25 squares by drawing horizontal and vertical lines on a large A3-size drawing paper, and team members sat around a circular table, taking turns filling in images related to "apple." The images related to the fruit "apple" were filled in first, followed by images related to various "apples," including the appearance of the top of the MacBook. They celebrated the results and were excited about the experience of being told that they were creative and to be confident in themselves.

Actually, I can't help but ask about the purpose of these ideas. Can these squeezed-out ideas really fulfill their expected role? A question about whether the ideas can be justified for whom and what the meaning is.

Martin Heidegger

From a phenomenological perspective, as Heidegger talks about, human beings are beings who are already thrown into the world from birth. How we give meaning to and confirm our existence is by living Caringly for the world we belong to and the other beings in it, he expresses it. Caring here can be understood as caring for, paying attention to. Terms like business, business, services, products, sales, sales, marketing, etc., which we often talk about to make money, basically serve the role of Buying and Selling. people's stories.

The idea itself has no meaning.

The final result, product, strategy, or advertising content that reflects that idea, whether it is ultimately able to be easily adopted by end users or consumers into their everyday reality, determines whether or not meaning is generated. In other words, it is impossible to evaluate and value an idea if there is no information that can determine whether it is meaningful and relevant to people's lives.

Ideas can be fun to plan, imagine, and combine. However, for the idea to have meaning, it must be connected to the reality of people, such as conveying or creating a meaning that is connected to Caring for someone in the world. It is through understanding this connection that we can judge the appropriateness of the idea.

If you agree with Heidegger's point of view that human beings are concerned with others in order to find the meaning of existence, then ideas are also connected to the meaning of their existence by the fact that they must show concern for others living in a world that is unfamiliar to me, and by communicating meaningful content to might agree.


Terms like consumer-centric, User-centered strategies, etc., are familiar but therefore seem trivial to me. People exist first, and it is simply the perspective of companies that call them consumers or users. There is still a limited intention in looking at the everyday lives of people in their natural state.

The question that successful entrepreneurs ask themselves, "What impact will my business have on society?" is a fundamental question that has the power to convince oneself and the world of the reason for the existence of all subsequent ideas.

p.s. If ideas were people, I think I would hear the following answer in an interview with him/her.

"People don't care why I exist. They only care about what clothes to dress me in and what work to make me do."

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Byungchae Ryan Son
Byungchae Ryan Son
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