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Byungchae Ryan Son

The Power to Shape Tomorrow, The Partnership Between Humans and Climate Tech

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The Lego Group is continuing its efforts to replace plastic materials and recycle them with the goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and this is an example of an investment direction that contributes to solving climate change.
  • The growth of the climate-tech industry is not just about technological advancement, but also about considering the impact of technology on social relationships, and through these three mechanisms of techno-moral change, these changes can be predicted and prepared for.
  • Along with technological advances, efforts to reduce carbon emissions must be made in parallel, and investments in reducing future carbon emissions and product recycling must be expanded to achieve sustainable development.

"We receive hundreds of letters from children asking how we can make a change. They hold us accountable and are demanding sustainable action for the future."

On August 30, Niels B. Christiansen, CEO of the LEGO Group, publicly pledged to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

In the summer of 1932, Johannes (far right), the eldest son of Ole Kirk, the founder of Lego, took a picture in front of the first wooden toy.

In fact, LEGO has been responsible for 100,000 tons of the world's total plastic production of more than 380 million tons, based on its history of buying Denmark's first plastic injection molding machine after losing all of its wooden materials in three consecutive factory fires in 1946. Every year, 100,000 tons of polymers are turned into 110 billion bricks, of which 80% are made of ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene), an oil-based thermoplastic known for its strength and stiffness. ABS requires 2 kg of oil to produce 1 kg of plastic toys, and this material is not biodegradable. LEGO, which has mass-produced non-recyclable toy bricks for 67 years, has invested $155 million in 2015 to establish a sustainable materials development technology center to replace ABS as the climate crisis has become a major barrier to its business operations.

Boxes of Lego are stacked 23 meters high in storage rooms holding around a billion bricks in total.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the climate tech industry is expected to reach $148 billion (approximately 200 trillion won) by 2032, a ninefold increase from $16.9 billion (approximately 23 trillion won) in 2016. Ultimately, the climate tech industry aims for more environmentally friendly and reliable energy, faster and more comfortable transportation, tastier and healthier food, higher quality products, and better workspaces. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility that the investment trend that expects the immense optimistic benefits of this technology may remain in a technological determinism perspective, which means that technological changes have the greatest impact on social relationships and structures in human futures.

Of course, the age of humans is an age of gradual technological development, progressing from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, to the age of steam, and then to the age of information. In other words, technology is clearly the driving force of history. However, instead of simply considering technology as the subject of quiet innovation, viewing it as an active mediator that drives changes in social relationships can enable a real expansion of the scope of expectations in climate tech industry investment. In this regard, the 'Three Mechanisms of Techno-Moral Change' classification system developed by John Danaher and Henrik Skaugsetra provides clues for predicting changes brought about by technology.

Mechanisms of Techno-Moral Change

This theory explains that A. as a Decisional mechanism, technology presents us with new options, suggesting the possibility of work communication from anywhere with a smartphone and forcing decisions. It also explains that B. as a Relational mechanism, technology has provided changes that have enabled relationships that were impossible before, such as remote mediation of interpersonal relationships, human-to-human, and human-to-non-human AI. In addition, it explains that C. as a Perceptual mechanism, technology has brought about a conceptual presentation of information related to our decisions and actions as 'data' and 'cognition', calculable cognitive structures that did not exist before.

To summarize, Technology influences how society is formed, which in turn repeatedly generates the development of a co-constitutive relationship between technology and humans..

Lego's 'Replay' initiative is an innovative idea

LEGO's investment in developing new plastic materials has not resulted in the invention of a complete replacement for ABS, but the shift to recycled plastic materials is gradually being applied to the entire brick production and improving. Furthermore, the LEGO Group acquired BrickLink, an online marketplace for trading new and used parts, in 2019 and is running the Replay Initiative program, where it receives donations of pre-made plastic bricks from around the world and delivers them to children in need of toys. This new investment standard is based on the fact that LEGO toys are passed down through generations, and when investing in LEGO products for over three years, the average return on used LEGO sets is 10-11% per year, which is higher than the returns on many collectibles such as stocks, bonds, gold, stamps, or wine. This is based on the current relationship between the product and the consumer..

from The Future of Climate-Tech Is Everything | Valerie Shen | TEDxBoston

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, GDP and carbon emissions have increased together. This easy growth fueled by carbon is the only growth we have witnessed over generations, and it has brought tremendous lifestyle improvements to people around the world, making it difficult to give up. However, for the global economy to break this cycle and achieve the necessary carbon emission reduction targets, a new type of investment is needed, namely, a strategic separation of investments that reduce future carbon emissions and investments to recycle existing products.

Everyone must participate for the future of climate technology to succeed in a sustainable way. It is time for a deeper consideration of the co-constitutive relationship between technology and humans.


Byungchae Ryan Son
Byungchae Ryan Son
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