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Byungchae Ryan Son

Who should you stand beside in the organization?

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • An image discovered by chance at ReD Consulting is an interesting summary that shows the organizational decision-making process divided into layers and influence.
  • This image was used as an effective tool to help people see the familiar in a new light and to encourage their participation in unfamiliar data analysis.
  • In particular, the image showing the power game structure suggests that it is important to secure implicit support from leaders to ensure that project deliverables can actually exert influence.

The reason why I still love this image the most is because it helps me a lot in judging the appropriateness of conversation during meetings. This image, which I found by chance in materials that ReD, a Danish consulting firm, released to the outside world after I learned about them, became an interesting summary of identifying the level and influence of decision-making within an organization.

In many cases, the actual battlefield where discussions about the possibilities and opportunities for qualitative data are held was the realm of leaders' awareness and perspectives. Therefore, in each process that helps to make the familiar unfamiliar and encourages participation in the analysis process so that unfamiliar field-collected data can become familiar, each layer within this image has become quite a persuasive weapon.

  • Common sense: If a company that makes colored paper has its homepage filled with messages about Korean colored paper culture rather than origami, there may be limitations in strategically leading the inherent potential of origami, which makes a single surface three-dimensional, as the technology industry develops with the popularization of 3D avatars.

  • Core competency: Focusing on the capability of creating tangible value is an important decision that directly affects sales. It can be a key criterion in identifying those who raise doubts about their roles within the organization and in determining who needs to be nurtured and have a good relationship with.

  • Power game structure: Ultimately, the success or failure of the role of providing insights depends on the implicit support of the leader who takes responsibility for and drives the process after the project. Whether the final report will be delivered to leaders of all offices in APAC or scattered like fallen leaves in the wind in front of HQ depends on the focus on this part.

  • Strategy: Strategy itself is a very difficult subject because the term is overused or defined differently by role or department. However, one perspective that is almost universally accepted in various discussions is that it is the sum of all actions that go from the reality of before to the reality of after.

Personally, presenting this image felt like a privilege.

A privilege that can be enjoyed because it is an irresponsible role to be a third party standing outside the organization.

Byungchae Ryan Son
Byungchae Ryan Son
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