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Byungchae Ryan Son

I met a customer. So, how was the interview? -2

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • When conducting interviews, it is important to listen to the customer's experience and thoughts from the customer's perspective, rather than having them talk about a specific brand.
  • Therefore, you should minimize the mention of a specific brand and try to gain deeper information by asking questions about the customer's life and experiences.
  • By treating customers as 'people' and showing genuine interest in their everyday lives, you can elicit honest and sincere stories, which can provide business opportunities and insights.

Continuing from the first post...

Always. The focus of the question is the customer

That's right. Basically, interviews are a time to talk about a particular brand's products/services. However, customers are not there to tell you what the company wants to hear. The purpose of the interview is to listen to their experiences and thoughts from a thorough customer perspective in order to find solutions to the company's problems.

A. Do not use the expression of a specific brand itself.

From the perspective of the company representative, their own products/services are the focus of their attention. However, customers naturally consider other competitive brands' products/services, or even brands in completely different categories, and have consumption and usage experiences. Interviews are conducted to hear about these experiences and perspectives from different standpoints. However, sometimes we see cases where these opportunities are limited to questions about the brand in question, and we fail to get the stories we actually need. If you don't want the same kind of content as an online survey result, it's better to prepare questions about more comprehensive usage experiences rather than specific products/services.

For example, even if you conduct an interview to increase the sales of 'tonic' at a Korean medicine clinic, it's best to forget the category of 'Korean medicine'. It's best to lead the conversation with all kinds of things related to health, such as health functional foods, daily nuts, salads, etc., that are related to eating habits. By understanding the meaning of health-conscious actions for customers and listening to the different meanings of the objects they consume for this purpose, you may discover opportunities and possibilities for changing the sales of 'tonic', the original goal.

B. Expressing interest in people, not customers

The expression 'customer' is a one-sided term from the perspective of a company that is based on business activities such as sales and consumption, and represents a relationship-based role. If you agree that the goal of the interview is to create a process for honest emotional exchange between 'human' and 'human', you may agree that the role of 'customer' is no longer meaningful.

It's good to ask questions and have a conversation about what kind of daily life the person in front of you has, how the company's products/services exist and what meaning they have within that life, in a comfortable way. Feedback is an opportunity to hear about interest in the products/services. The company representative should at least express their interest in the 'person' as a customer and help them share their valuable experiences happily.

Stories about an individual's daily life are often like treasure chests. Inside them lies the opportunity for business and insights that allow one to understand a specific area. And the key to pulling this out is a genuine 'attitude' and 'interest' in the person you are sitting across from. More than a customer, the interest in their 'day' that fills their lives, could change the future of the company.

Byungchae Ryan Son
Byungchae Ryan Son
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